How To Apply

Online Application

Researchers (PhD students, postdocs) in companies or academia, clinicians, and  professionals working in healthcare organizations who want to accelerate the impact of biomedical research start applying by filling the Application form.

If you are currently employed full time and need the support from your supervisor to participate in Catalyst Europe, please check the Information for Supervisors button below.

Eligibility Criteria

Review the candidate’s profile and the requirements to be eligible.

Informative Webinar

Date to be announced soon

Solve questions and learn about the Catalyst method, the Catalyst Europe 2021 program, and how to proceed with your application.

Eligibility Criteria

Review the candidate’s profile and the requirements to be eligible.

Application Deadline

March 21st

Unlock your potential for need-driven research and make an impact in healthcare.

Pre-Selection & Interviews

Selection Criteria

A Selection Committee composed of experts and faculty from the Catalyst Europe Consortium organizations will select the Catalyst Europe 2021 fellows.

Pre-Selection Announcement

April 7th

Pre-selected candidates will be contacted and will be invited to participate in the Interviews session.


April 13th, online

Pre-selected candidates will meet online with the Selection Committee for assessment activities and interviews.

Pre-Selection Announcement

April 7th

Pre-selected candidates will be contacted and will be invited to participate in the Interviews session.

Selection & Enrollment

Selection Announcement

April 21st

Selected candidates become Fellows of Catalyst Europe 2021 program.


April 21st - May 3rd

Admitted candidates will sign the enrollment agreement with the university in their assigned Hub (UniDeb in Debrecen, FAU in Erlangen or UPM in Madrid). Check stipend availability, budget for travel expenses, requirements and other details in the Terms & Conditions.


Preliminary session before starting the program to get to know each other and review the program methodology.


April 21st - May 3rd

Admitted candidates will sign the enrollment agreement with the university in their assigned Hub (UniDeb in Debrecen, FAU in Erlangen or UPM in Madrid). Check stipend availability, budget for travel expenses, requirements and other details in the Terms & Conditions.

Eligibility & Selection

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates’ profile:

  • Candidates living in EU, from any EU region (not limited to Catalyst Hubs).
  • Typical profiles: Researchers (Postdocs, PhD students), Clinicians (residents, fellows, attendings). Other early stage and experienced professionals interested in biomedical research may be considered if they fit the cohort.
  • With domain expertise in:
    • any domain area linked to health technology: including but not limited to life sciences, engineering, biomedical engineering, data science.
    • Or any clinical domain.
    • Or in commercial science or health economics.
  • Research experience is desirable.
  • With a strong interest in health innovation and willingness to participate in research projects after the 6-month Catalyst Europe program, as the pathway to de-risk the opportunities identified during the program.
  • Open to identify and validate unmet needs, define solutions and design new research projects with high translational potential, rather than applying with an existing project to the Catalyst program. We do not expect candidates to have an ongoing research project to “bring” to the program, though having had some research or project experience is important.

While we expect candidates to have some identified area of expertise, we do not specify that area. Through our process, Fellows working in teams learn from one another, gain from hearing the perspective of others (even those who are not expert), and sometimes Fellows have to unlearn (or set aside) what they know about a problem to open the door to observations and, ultimately, innovation.

Faculty serving as mentors will help guide you through the Catalyst process, which involves cycles of convergent and divergent thinking, trial and error, iteration, progress, reassessment, creativity, critical thinking, and more iteration. Although seldom a linear path, it is always an exciting one for those who are ready for a journey from insight to impact. You and your teammates will ultimately decide which projects to move forward. Applicants don’t need to know a lot about entrepreneurship or innovation.


  • Availability to dedicate 10-15 hours/week for regular weekly activities of Catalyst Europe program – including weekly Sessions, personal work and teamwork (personal and team work in a flexible schedule format).
  • Weekly sessions (online): Tuesdays from 3pm to 6pm CET. From xx April to xxx November, 2023.
  • Full time availability for the virtual Intensifications.
    • May xx to xxx, 2023
    • Xxxx
    • Xxx
    • xxx
  • Attendance in person to one or two clinical rotations (6h) in a close hospital. Dates to be defined in agreement with fellows.
  • Compatibility with current job, training or activity. Candidates will have to demonstrate compatibility with their current activities. If the candidate has a full-time job (or is currently committed to a full-time activity), the candidate will be required to present a “Letter of Support” signed from their current supervisor. The candidate will find a template and a field to upload the Letter of Support in the Application Form. The candidate can find useful information to share with their supervisor HERE.

Selection Criteria

A selection committee composed of representatives from Catalyst Europe partners will select the Catalyst Europe 2023 Fellows, based on one main and most important criteria: Candidate’s potential to bring value to the innovation cohort and contribute to the cohort main objectives and duties: validate unmet needs, propose technological solutions and develop research project plans. The main common attributes of successful fellows are:

  • Relevant academic background and professional experience that shows potential to add value to the Catalyst process.
  • Ability to differentiate between validated facts and not-yet-validated assumptions, and to ideate a process to validate assumptions.
  • Willing to work outside of their field of expertise.
  • Ability to apply logic and critically analyze and synthesize a broad range of source materials.
  • Ability to communicate ideas and collaborate with others with different expertise and experience.
  • Ability to receive and synthesize constructive criticism.
  • A team player willing to fulfill different roles in research projects.
  • Experience in developing and implementing research proposals
  • Ability to design, create and build new technologies to solve critical problems
  • Willingness to “own” your career and your project (rather than depending on direct supervision)
  • Be willing to work in a process that is chaotic, creative, and free of pre-conceived ideas or pathways.
  • High level of English